For my capstone project in graphic design I created an installation piece called "No Boundaries." The piece was an autobiographical timeline of key events in my life. The timeline is erratic in attempt to create a more accurate representation of life: something that is unpredictable with many highs and lows. I invited the viewer to interact with the timeline by responding to a series of prompts and adding them to the piece. The piece was displayed at The Baltimore Gallery in Detroit for the show 'Come Together,' which I helped curate and execute.

The timeline before the exhibition reception.

The timeline after all of the notes had been added.

Four different prompts with colored coded note pads as well as a promotional video for the piece.

Important characters and events were singled out.

Postcards were offered as takeaways, each with a different life event.

Vinyl graphics which I consulted on and installed.

Posters and identity which my team (curatorial) helped art direct.

This video was created as a part of the timeline. It is the ARTPOP music video by Lady Gaga with interpolated clips of myself. I filmed my response to the videos concepts based on my interpretation of the theme.